World Forum for Women in Science
15-19 April 2024
Envisioning Tomorrow
Science for the SGDs and New Partnerships for Sustainable Futures
Science for Sustainable Development
Women In Science Without Borders (WISWB) is a network of female and male scientists from over 70 countries world-wide. This initiative was founded to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a main focus on gender equality. Women In Science Without Borders has been empowering women in the scientific field, whether youth or seniors, and encouraging excellence and impact. It has worked to establish healthy relations between males and females in scientific communities, taking science as a common template and language for mutual understanding. WISWB was founded by Dr. Amal Amin.

WISWB are engaged in developing a wide variety of activities, with a multidisciplenary approach. Click down below to learn more of what we do.

Get access to articles written about us and our mission, as well as digital books available for downloading. We also have recorded webinars that we have uploaded online for everyone to view.