World Forum for women in science 2024
Envisioning Tomorrow: Science for the SDGs and New Partnerships for Sustainable Futures

Call for papers
Envisioning Tomorrow Science for the SDGs and New Partnerships for Sustainable Futures
Online and in person in Rome, Italy,
15th to 19th of April 2024
Women in Science without Borders (WISWB) is a network of female and male scientists from over 70 countries world-wide. This initiative was founded by Prof. Amal Amin to help achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) with a focus on gender equality. It is a community-based initiative to develop societies through science. Participation is open to all, regardless of gender or age, using science as a common language to change the world across borders.

Dr Amal Amin is a professor of nanotechnology/polymers at the National Research Center in Egypt. She is the co-founder and executive committee member of the Global and Egyptian Young Academies, as well as president, co-founder and coordinator of the Egyptian Society and Arab Network for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology. She is the founding president of WISWB and the World Forum for Women in Science (WFWS).
The WFWS is organized in partnership with Traces&Dreams AB, a Swedish transdisciplinary agency, specializing in narrative and communication. We have chosen Italy for the relevance of the connection between the Mediterranean and Africa, and Rome as it symbolizes a city with a great history but also great challenges from a sustainable, economic, and integrated point of view. The venue will be Parco Della Musica, pictured to the right. This will be part of the Festival delle Scienze Error and Wonder. WISWB and WFWS are open for males and females.